My entries here are usually about Java, but today I want to call attention to the 1.0 release of FlexMonkey, an Adobe AIR app for testing Flex and Adobe AIR applications (I work for Gorilla Logic, the creator of FlexMonkey).
In recent posts, I've investigated using the java.lang.instrument package to instrument Java classes for a simple profiler.
I've been building a Java profiler lately, partly to address what I think are shortcomings in the current set of free/shareware profilers, and also to enjoy the flexibility of obtaining only the profiling information I need.
Lately I've been looking at profilers and wondering how easy it would be to write one, mostly to be able to provide a little more sophisticated guidance to performance investigations.
This isn't exactly late-breaking news, as Java SE6 has been out for a while, but the Standard Edition now includes support for non-trivial web-service development and deployment, no Java-EE application server necessary.
Hello, everyone!

Before I start posting, I should tell you a little about where I'm going.

My main software interest is enterprise Java, and more specifically business process modeling, either on top of Java or a slightly higher level of abstraction.
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I'm a software architect/consultant in Boulder, Colorado.
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