I've been experimenting with using Pig on some Fannie-Mae MBS data lately.  While I don't mind writing MapReduce programs to process data (especially the fairly simple tasks I'm doing now), I really do appreciate the "magic" Pig does under the blanket, you might say.
I've recently been writing JMS clients for an application I'm building and keep finding myself having to re-learn some basic configuration.
A few years ago, I posted a how-to on Java-SE-based Web Services. More recently, I've become interested in asynchronous web-service invocation, and, as it turns out, Java SE supports that, too. This post, then, is the asynchronous version of that older post.
In an earlier post, we stepped through the building of an asynchronous web service, deployed in Java SE. I saved my comments for this post to keep things a little cleaner.
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I'm a software architect/consultant in Boulder, Colorado.
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